Monday, December 31, 2007

trading my sorrows

What is our purpose in life?

I just read about this guy who died at Iraq, was around my age. I was thinking here I am worrying about things that I'm sure I won't be bringing with me to heaven.


During camp I asked my group this question "What is your purpose in life?" Like most people I would also say that I want to live a happy life. Get a degree, earn money, raise a family, retire happy...Then after that what else?

When I visit the cemetery, sometimes I go see the tombstones. Not much to learn from them except their name, date of birth and date of death. Sometimes I try to picture how their lives went. If one died by 80 then yeah maybe he lived a full life. Or if one lived by 20, hey maybe he got into an accident. Age won't tell you the quality of one's life.

So back to the question "What is your purpose in life?". I recall during our Youth Fellowship days, our pastor taught us the Westminister Cathecism The first question posed is "What is the purpose of man?" The ans: To glorify and enjoy God.
I had an idea on what it was trying to say but lately i was reading this book and grasp the idea of it. Just think about this "Does God need to be glorified?", "If the whole world withheld its praise to God would it make Him less of a God?"

God is already glorified. No matter what we do we do not add or subtract His Glory.


Where are you?

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Who's counseling the Counselors?

When I have problems, I just ask our pastor or someone who is more mature than me for advise. So what if the Pastor has a problem who does he go to? I feel that the more higher you are in the leadership position the less people you can talk to. Maybe its because of pride but people have certain expectations of you. Fact is we are all human, we will make mistakes. We need reliable people to help support us.

So who's counseling the Counselors? John 14:15-17

Monday, December 10, 2007

Lord, please take control...

I feel so confused. So many things going through my mind. I feel so helpless. All I can do is pray & trust in Him.

Lord, please take control...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Am

Another cool song by Mark Shultz

Monday, November 26, 2007

He will carry me

May this be a blessing to you

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Love Story Part 5: ...and they lived happily ever after

My apologies for not writing for a month now. Well kinda been busy with a lot of stuff.

I mentioned from the start that everybody likes to hear love stories and at the end of the story you will see that they lived happily ever after. How I wish that was the ending. I think I would not have done justice to Isaac and Rebekah if I haven't showed the failures and joy they went thru together. Again Isaac and Rebekah are just people, like every people they are not perfect.

1.) Problem giving birth Chap 25:21
Hey have you noticed Sarah, Rebekah & Rachel were all barren. This means that it is all a blessing from God. They acknowledge and asked God for help in their time of need and God blessed them with twins. Double blessing: Esau, the outdoor sportsman and Jacob the mama/homeboy.

2.) Lying to Abimelech Chap 26
I mentioned before about Isaac like his dad lying to Abimelech because of Rebekah. They were going through hard times financially and God blessed them a hundredfold 26:12

3.) Favoritism 25:28
Godly parents don't equate to godly children. Favoritism can breed jealousy and infighting among children. Isaac loved Esau, while Rebekah loved. Thats a bad formula for a family feud.

4.) Problems with children 26:35
Esau was a source of grief to his parents.

5.) Rebekah tricks Isaac
Can you believe this after being married for so long Rebekah still would stoop so low? 27:13 I mean you can get Rebekah's reasoning Esau was the bad apple but to trick her husband?

6.) Family feud
So the family feud begins 27:41. Brother vs. brother. Esau vs. Jacob. This must really broken their parents heart. When Jacob ran away, it doesn't mention in the Bible if he and his mom met again.

Lesson learned: It is one thing to find a partner, but it is another thing to make the marriage work. But through all these failures and joy they still stuck it thru together. A friend shared this song to me, it is titled "Walking her home". I hope you enjoy it. ...and they lived happily ever after. The End :)

Friday, November 16, 2007

This is interesting

I saw this when I visited an art museum at Shanghai. Effects of TV.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Look back

A few saturdays ago I was by myself driving and I decided to have a chat with God. I prayed, "God I don't think You can get me out of this problem. I wanna believe in you & I have faith and all. But the way things are looking I really doubt it. Lord, I wanna believe in you but its so hard. I'm just losing faith now. Lord help me believe."

Surely enough God answered me back. Sunday morning message God answered me back. Remember at Exodus how the Israelites got out of the Egypt and passed thru the Red Sea. If you were there you would have witnessed one of the greatest miracles, you would of never forgotten the image of walking pass a wall of waters. I think this is the first Sea world park. Let's not also forget the plagues that happened not so long ago. Point is if you were there you would have witnessed God's guiding hands 1st hand. But wait a few chapters later same people, same witnesses complaining that5 God has left them and they would have been better off at Egypt. They forgotten what God has done for them. Yeah how quickly I've forgotten how God has rescued me during my time of trouble. Let me try to think back:

1.) Saved my mom from sickness
2.) Rescued me when I was sick
3.) Guided me throughout my college and graduation
4.) Helped me out during the hard exams.
5.) That subject that I thought that i would not have passed. I passed
6.) Saved our business when things were not looking bright.
7.) There was this time I was lost, good thing found my way back.
8.) During my time of temptation, He kept me strong.
9.) That heartache He helped me recover from.
10.) How about that camp that had lots of problems. Everybody went home safely.
11.) That car that slid and missed me by a few inches
12.) During my time of sadness, He comforted me.

I can still continue writing on how God has continually rescued me from my troubles I thought I would never get out off. During our discipleship we had a topic about journaling. I just realized how important journals are. We as humans tend to be forgetful. When you write down things on your journal, you look back at the events of your life and remind yourself how God has led you. I'm going to put a tag on this entry. And I'm going to see a few years from now how God is going to get me out of this trouble.


Btw I got blocked the other day. Maybe my timing was bad. Anyways get that rebound and drive back to the basket again.



White Dog vs. Black Dog

Achi Nenel shared this during our back-up training, hope I got it right. There was a professor who told his students that he owned 2 dogs a White cute lovable dog and a black ferocious angry dog. Problem is the two dogs don't get along very well and they fight all the time. So his students asked "Who wins?". The professor answered "The one I feed wins."

Well the white dog represents our talents and potential, while the black dog represents our fears and insecurities. Think about it :)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Animo La Salle!

Yes its that time of year again, UAAP Basketball Playoffs. I thought the La Salle vs. Ateneo match was really close. The La Salle vs UE match is closer. wow! I really hope La Salle takes the championship again.


I hurt my knee last week playing basketball. This week I hurt it again. Maybe this is a sign. Time to retire. Wait! what am I talking about? I don't have a basketball career! Its just all in my dreams. Maybe I should just rest for a couple of weeks.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Love Story Part 4: 缘分

Before I mentioned that this story is a classic case of arranged marriage. When we hear of arrange marriage, we think thats so barbaric or old fashion. But its quite common during the OT and I think this practice still goes on in some other cultures.
A friend taught me this new word today: 缘分 (yuan2 fen4) meaning lot or luck by which people are brought together. I don't believe in luck so I have to change the meaning to by which God has brought people together. Yes arrange marriage is still going on all around us. It is still being arranged by God as we speak ;)

v. 65 is the last we hear of CS. His last recorded were "He is my master." Spoken like a true humble servant. Well of course there is v. 66 where again he testifies about God's leading. Good thing the writer just decided to just write a one liner instead of writing the whole story over again :)

So what does Isaac do?

1.) brought her into the tent of his mother. Note his mom has passed away. Well Rebekah needed a place to stay. Come to think of it she could of just stayed at Isaac's tent since they were technically married but he was a gentlemen and gave her the respect of not sleeping with her before marriage.

2.)He married her. Did they have a big celebration or just a small wedding reception? Don't know. But one thing for sure they went thru with the ceremonies. Some people might think what's the big fuzz about wedding celebrations? Some might say weddings are expensive lets forget about the whole thing. Or wedding receptions are boring who would want to go?
Wedding are not suppose to be show offs. It is a declaration before God and to the people that the couple will become husband and wife.
A friend from church recently got married. He had a simple wedding and reception at church and we really enjoyed attending his wedding. We had a blast.

3.) She became his wife. Well wait you might tell me "Didn't they get married already? So she is his wife already." Well technically on paper, yes. But if he doesn't start treating her as a wife or a "partner" then I believe their marriage would be a rocky one.

4.)He loved her. My friend told me that in Dutch they have 2 words for love. First one meaning "being in love" the other "loving someone". Come to think of it the Dutch has a good point. "Being in love" just involves the feelings. "Loving someone" now that takes commitment. So they needed to differentiate it.

So what came first the love or the feelings? Its like asking the question which came first the chicken or the egg? I don't think it matters which one goes first but if there is no commitment then there is no love.
Btw, I think the chicken came first cuz it was crossed the road before laying the egg :) Bad joke. hehehe

5.)Finally Isaac was comforted after his mother's death. I think Isaac took his mom's death real hard. Isaac was not comforted all by himself. He had Rebekah beside him. Finally he had someone to share his feelings, someone to share his problems, someone who cared and loved him.

to be cont'd... (honest last na talaga ito)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Love Story Part 3 Love at first sight?

Socrates was once asked "What is the cure for Love at first sight?"

The philosopher replied, "Take a closer second look." :)

Hey wait Isaac didn't marry when he was in his late 20's. Check out Gen 25:20, he married when was 40! Wow that was a long wait.

Also a note on how beautiful Rebekah is. Isaac says she was HOT! Check out Gen 26:7. He was so afraid that he might be killed because of her beauty he called her his sister rather than his wife. Wait this story sounds familiar. Like father like son. Check out Gen 20. They even tried to trick the same king, Abimelech (not sure if its just a namesake)!

Let me state this i don't believe love at first sight. I mean it sounds really romantic and all but if you think about it what's the basis? The most you can get out of first sight is looks and first impression. It can be misleading. Some people have the gift on analyzing others. Just by taking a look at his clothes, face, actions and etc... you would know a person already. Something like a Profiler. So is the Chief servant was a good judge of people? Just by observing Rebekah carry the gallons of water he could get a rough idea what type of person Rebekah was. I mean with all the water she carried he knew she was strong. Maybe by the way she organized herself by carrying the buckets and how she distributed the water he would figure out she was smart. Of course by her attitude and the way she served it. I mean you can fake being polite to somebody by giving them a glass of water but carrying buckets and buckets of water?

From what I recall from watching National Geographic, camels store their water in their humps and based on what I found on the internet the water capacity ranges of camels ranges from 8 to 15 gallons. 5 gallons is the size of the bottles used at water dispensers. I have to admit carrying the 5 gal bottle is heavy. So she would probably carry at least 2 bottles for each camel and thats 10 camels, so at least 20 5 gal bottles not including giving the people a drink.

So now lets meet the parents. Well the Bible only mentions the names of Bethuel, her dad and her brother Laban. So the Chief servant (CS) goes over to the her house as their guest and of course as good host they offer him food to eat. But wait CS tells them (my own words) "Hold up everybody! I will not eat yet! Before I start I would like to share to you what God has done..."

Ok back then they didn't have "Copy and paste" function. They had to write everything by hand. So the writer of the Bible could of just wrote something like "and he told them how God has led him to Rebekah." take out v34 to 49 would of saved him a lot of time copying the Bible. But no the writer painstakingly rewrote what the CS had told Bethuel and Laban. So whats the point? If you have a good testimony you tell it to others. Their love story is a good testimony to share on the faithfulness and providence of God. Why not tell it to others?

OK I thought it was a done deal already? Just from reading v.50 to 54 you would conclude that the deal is done. The following day CS says "Ok, lets go!". But woah v.55 they wanted Rebekah to stay another 10 days. Well to think about it, its kind of understandable. I mean one night a stranger appears tells you that your daughter is chosen to be the wife of somebody and the next day she is expected to be shipped out. Not enough time to prepare herself. Say goodbyes.

Well we haven't gotten to know much about her family especially Laban. Gen 29 tells of the account of how Jacob was tricked by his uncle Laban for his wife. We find here that Laban is one shrewed fellow. Just by reading Gen. 24 we find that Laban was like the one who controlled the household. v.29 he was the one who went out to meet CS. v.33 he was the one who talked to CS. v.50 Laban's name was mentioned before his dad's. v. 55 Laban's name was mentioned first before his mom. Well it seemed like he was the one making the decisions. CS with his experience and insights knew what was going on. Yeah he knew he was being tricked. So he made an ultimatum "I am leaving now!" OK I'm not sure of this but from my understanding of the OT customs, the ladies don't really have much say in the decisions. (Ok to the feminists please don't crucify me :P) But still they called Rebekah and asked her if she wanted to go. And well she had a lot of faith. I mean if it was me I'd think twice but God worked in her. She trusted God's plan for her.

Wow this is a classic case of arrange marriage. I heard in some cultures that they still follow this practice.

Well the time has come. v.63 tells us that Isaac was there meditating. If I were him I'd probably be praying hard that CS would find someone perfect for him. And out from a distance he saw her. It was love at first sight.

I thought I'd finish this already but there are still somethngs I'd like to share. So to be cont'd...


I miss my afternoon lazy naps. I went home from a meeting laid on the bed and whoosh to dream land. After 1 1/2 hours woke up all charged up.


Well i dreamt of something last night. I dreamt that i had the courage to talk to you. hmmm well go back to sleep.


This version of "When I think about the Lord" is also really cool

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Random thoughts

I woke up today and had this song playing on my head. I just heard this song last week and it really moved me. Reminded me of the 1st time I encountered God. Yes it makes me want to shout!


I haven't been writing for the past week cuz I had one of those down moments in my life. We learned at Discipling others to love Jesus that our Spiritual life is somewhat like the graph below (Actually its not this one its the closet one I got):

We have ups and downs in our life. Something was really bothering me. I mean I went to church but I wasn't my usual self. As we started singing the songs, I couldn't believe it but the songs where just talking to me. Then the pastor preached on encountering God. Wow did I encounter God that Sunday.

"His eye is on the Sparrow..."
"Why should I feel discouraged?..."


Hey did you know that this site is censured in China? Actually the whole blogger I think. I think I know why. There are lots of blog at the blogger that are well... not that wholesome. Btw if you want to see good blogs check out my friends blog at the side bar. They are really cool.


Wow just look at how God works. I think maybe 4-5 years ago I gave this book to a friend I assumed that he won't read it cuz I thought he is not the reading type. My friend was going thru a rough time recently and somewhere somehow he started reading that book. And wow people tell me that he has changed. PTL!


Yeah na tuloy paintball game namin!

Man it was fun. I also got a souvenir. 2 shots on the butt, left and right. And it still hurts! So this is what happened. We were playing catch the flag. I was on the offensive team. I had my friends Zhef and Mark with me positioned on the right side. I was on the far right of the field laying low hiding behind some tubes. I told myself "ok now is the time to become a hero. All I'm going to do is charge, grab the flag and win the game." So I tell Mark "Pre susugod ako. Cover me." He replied back "Sige!" So I took a peek no one was shooting. So I stood up and charged with guns blazing! I could feel the adrenaline rush. I didnt even know where i shooting. I grabbed the flag and laid low so no one would shoot me. Game over we win right? Not! As I stood up. I think some of them didn't know the game was over. And boom shot me right on the butt. I dropped and the floor in pain. So now I'm thinking. Ok I would understand if he shot me cuz it happens with the adrenaline still pumping and confusion. Out of all the places he could of shot me like my armor vest. Why my butt? I'm going to get Elwood next game. Hahaha just kidding but it was fun. Schedule ulit tayo next game.


You guys got to read Psalms 63. This Psalm is really a blessing. I haven't started on part 3 on the love story of Isaac and Rebekah. Suspense.

Just reminds me bulok talaga style ko! I think I need to rethink on how I'm going to approach this. Hey I got some good advise from a sister in Christ. A very practical one too. Should I share the advise? Wait! trade secret to. Maybe after I think of a plan. But now on how to execute it? Hmmm. No clues. Man that really sucks. Think!

Remember this friend. He had the "it" factor. I mean he had "it": Looks, money, style, the smile,... He would just go over and talk to a pretty lady he doesn't know and for him it was nothing. Somedays I wish I had the "it" factor. Well I got the "God" factor with me :) So thats more that enough for me.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Where is my harness?

Pic of my friend Zhef up on the wall

I had the opportunity to go rock climbing the other day. I have to be honest I have fear of heights, but not as in fear that will freak me out. When I was up there I couldn't help it but look down. When I did, my hands started sweating, felt like I couldn't grip on the rock. I really felt my arms and legs getting tired and shaking a bit. I had to psych myself out "Just think your a few feet off the ground."

You know what? It was so stupid of me, as I was watching others climb the rock I realized that when I was up there I had the harness on all the time. I mean if i slipped i wouldn't fall. What's stopping me from stepping on the next rock and going up? (Btw I did reach the top once i think the other times probably 90% of it. I did try this really hard climb but couldn't maneuver myself up this steep rock.) But back to my point, when I was up there I felt as if I was alone and if i didn't hold on the rock hard enough I would slip down. No matter what happened my harness would hold me if I slipped.

Its true in our lives when we always forget that God is our Harness. Sometimes we fall or make mistakes, He is there to hold us up. Sometimes you feel like your all alone but His harness is always with us.

Afterwards I went to a party and was talking to an old friend. As we were talking he told me about "Area of concern" and "Area of control". Area of concern are the things in my life that I am concerned about like work, money, future so on and so forth. Area of control are things that you have control like you can read the Bible, you can go to work, you can pray and so on and so forth. So what are things that I should do with the area of concern that I have control with? Well if I can do something about it. Then do it. How about the area of concern but I don't have control with? Well all you can do is pray. I mean I can't do anything about it then why am I trying to control it. Lesson learned: Leave everything to God and do the things you can do.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Love Story Part 2: Can I have a glass of water?

7.) The test. OK I admit I have a hard time understanding the chief servant's way of choosing a wife for Isaac. asking for a drink of water?

The Chief Servant must really have a hard time thinking of a plan to choose the right person. Don't have a Bible Dictionary. But from what I recall I know that the place where Abraham lived and his native land is very far. They lived in the land of Canaan (so somewhere at Israel) and his native land I think is somewhere in eastern Iraq i think. they didn't have cars back then, they just rode camels. So he had a lot of time to think about what to do.

I mean this guy had a lot of resources he brought with him. He could of just went to the town elders and made a formal introduction and then his formal request there or better yet he could of made one of those reality contest shows like The Bachelor. I don't think he had any idea what to do when he got to Nahor. The journey must of been long and tiring, but when he reached that place he was just tired and thirsty. So he prayed to God about it. He ask God to help him find the right person and that she would give him and his camels a drink of water.

First thing he notices when Rebekah comes out is she is beautiful and a virgin. How does he know that? I don't know so don't ask me. Maybe the way she dressed and acted showed what type of person she is.

The test is a drink of water. So isn't this like fleecing? So does that mean that I pray "Lord the one I'm going to choose is going to wear red today" or "If I smile back at her she smiles back too" or "If I ask for a glass of water, she'll go and wash my car and gas it up too.". I don't think its like that. Well just imagine this Rebekah is doing her household chores by going out and getting water, she can't wait to get it done. Btw just a fact: each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day (but don't think they had a flush system back then). Anyways its still a lot of water that a person had to use. So she is busy carrying gallons of water to her house and here is an unknown stranger here at near the well asking for a drink of water. She could of said "Hey don't you have 2 hands? Why don't you use them to get your own water?" But no she stops and helps a stranger out. Notice this the chief servant did not ask her to water her camels too, but she still did. Hey the chief servant did not travel alone and I believe that she also gave them water to drink. So what does this have to do with choosing a the right person. Well she showed what she truly personality. Just imagine this if someone 介绍"kai siao" you to someone, of course you would put your best foot forward. Rebekah didn't expect to be given a tip or a reward for helping a stranger out. But she still helped him out.

Notice this while Rebekah was doing all these. The chief servant was watching her. Observing her. Looking at her expressions. "Pilit lang ba siya? Baka nagtatampo na?".
And before he made his final decision he ask her whose daughter are you? And yes she is from Abraham's family. Alright my first night here and God led her already. Wow!

The chief servant does not forget to thank God for giving him success

to be cont'd...

Just a side note. Don't you wish you had a chief servant to help you look the right person? Yeah I'll sit here at home, you go and find me my wife. hehehe

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Wonder

I Wonder
by Ruth Harms Calkin

You know, Lord, how I serve You
With great emotional fervor
In the limelight.
You know how eagerly I speak for You
At a women’s club.
You know how I effervesce when I promote
A fellowship group.
You know my genuine enthusiasm
At a Bible study.

But how would I react, I wonder,
If You pointed to a basin of water
And asked me to wash the callused feet
Of a bent and wrinkled old woman
Day after day,
Month after month,
In a room where nobody saw
And nobody knew?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

Love Story Part 1

We all love to hear love stories and especially the fairy tale endings (actually there is no fairy tale ending, just an adventure).

Love is a mysterious thing. You can't see it, can't touch it, can't measure it but it is there. You can never understand it, but we all felt it.
You know after seeing your crush, it either inspires you or makes you crazy. A friend once told me that after breaking up after a long time, he still has feelings for his ex. It has this weird affect on a person positively and negatively.

I was chatting with my pastor and we talked about the subject of LCM. I was kind of confused about it. So he gave me a homework. He told me to study the love story of Isaac & Rebekah and try to get the point of the story.

So I have written down what have I observed:
1.) Wow a whole chapter on Gen 24 is dedicated to their love story.

2.) Sarah, Isaac's mom recently passed away. Chap 23

3.) Isaac's dad is old v. 1

4.) Isaac's age? well Sarah died 127 yrs old. Abraham was 100 yrs old when Isaac was born. So if Sarah and Abraham were about the same age, then Isaac would probably be mid 20's. I'm guessing maybe 27. Not sure but people don't live longer and they marry earlier during that time? I feel you Isaac, think I'm riding the same boat as you were riding before.

5.) The Chief servant v.2. Doesn't give his name. Don't recall anything else mentioned about him before and after this chapter. Only description is the one in charge of all that he (Abraham) had. Well from that we can learn that this person is trustworthy, dependable, high position and educated.

6.) Conditions made by Abraham for choosing a wife:
a.) Will not get a wife from the daughters of Canaan
b.) Get a wife from his country, his own relatives.
c.) Not to take his son back to his country

Let's talk about the Conditions. Some might say that Condition A is really an issue about culture but i think it has a lot to do about God's standard. Abraham saw what the Caananites were like and he didn't like the way the live their lives. I'm sure they were pretty but the way they lived their lives were not the standard that God has set. Condition B, so Abraham was thinking if he wanted to look for someone with the same standards with God the best place is back to his hometown from his own family. Condition C, this condition is well kind of weird. I mean if your looking for a wife for your son why not send your son to go find one rather than send your chief servant?

The conditions that were set, were set by Isaac's dad. Isaac did not have a say the kind of wife he would have. If I were Isaac I'd secretly go to Chief servant befriend him and tell him my preference. I'm thinking Isac might want to say this "Hey Chief Servant. We've been through a lot and I treated you well . So when you go out and find my wife. Please make sure she is pretty. Not taller than me. Make sure she can cook. Also..."

Ok just think about this. If you were the girl. An unknown guy comes along offers you money and tells you that his master's son is looking for a wife and your it. There's no picture of the groom. You don't know if the guy is a fake. All he is giving you is his word and some dowry. Would you go with him? Kind of an impossible task. So Abraham adds (my own words) "Ok if you go there and the girl won't go back with you. No need to kidnap her for Isaac. Its ok I won't hold it against you. You can come back your mission is accomplished."

Hey but before Abraham said that he said something on v.7 (again my own words) "Don't worry about it. God will provide. He has already sent his angel before you and has prepared that special someone for Isaac already. all you need to do is tell her about it."

to be cont'd...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Short fuse

Ever have one of those days where your have a short fuse. I think I just had it today. Actually I still have it. I'm having this terrible headache and it seems that any small irritating comment, criticism or anything and the bomb would just go off. Trying to control myself. Lord, help me forgive. help me control my anger.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Oh how he loves you and me

I really hate driving traffic but there is one thing I miss about it.
Time alone. Time to think. Time to evaluate. Time to pray. I also like listening to the radio especially DZAS. I heard this song. A simple song, but the message is so powerful.

Friday, August 10, 2007


Paintball is fun! Watch this documentary about paintball.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Guys Outing

What is God's will in my life?

The million dollar question that everyone is asking "What is God's will in my life?". Can we really know what God's will for our life is? or do we just live life aimlessly hoping to somehow get lucky in life?

I often ask this question myself. If God has a plan for my life how come He is not revealing it to me? I mean when you open up the Bible, it doesn't tell you what course your going to take? Where you are going to work? What career will God lead me too? Who will I marry? Will I remain here or move somewhere else? How will my life end?

How I wish I had a magic crystal ball where i can see the future and see how things will turn out. Sigh :(

When I think about God's will this verse pops out of my mind. Ok there are better sermons out there about this verse but let me share to you some insights that I learned. BTW pls free to add your comments.

Romans 12:1-2
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. 2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

So based on these verses we can test and approve what God's will is.
meaning there will be roads in our lives that we have to test and need approving. Not all the roads we encounter, even though it might look ok, will lead us to His will.

But in order for us to test and approve of it we need a transformed mind (just like the Transformers :). We need to have the same mind set as God has. See things thru His eyes. But in order to do that we need worship God by offering our lives.

Some adjectives about His will: good, pleasing and perfect. Good - it will bring us good not harm. It is pleasing to God. And perfect. Yes! everything works out for the good of those who love God! God's perfect timing.

So how are we going to apply it in our lives? Well it can start as simple as doing what God commands like Worship Him, read the Bible, pray for others, share others about Jesus Christ, obey parents, work hard, help each other out, ... I guess its those simple steps that lead us to His will.

In short: You want to know God's will, start obeying Him.

Who am I

Who Am I
by Casting Crowns
album: Casting Crowns (2003)

Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would choose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours

Who am I, that the eyes that see my sin
Would look on me with love and watch me rise again
Who am I, that the voice that calmed the sea
Would call out through the rain
And calm the storm in me

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours

Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
Vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours

I am Yours
Whom shall I fear
Whom shall I fear
'Cause I am Yours
I am Yours

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wow lalim ah!

Wow lalim ah! Di ko ma gets!

I recall that there are a lot of things that I didn't gets when I was studying in college. But now suddenly. Aha! Eureka! Yun lang pala yon.

How come I didn't get it when i was studying it? Slow?:( Maybe its just me. When I don't know how to apply it? My attitude is why should I study it? I like teachers who can explain things in layman's term. You know just pure simple English then teach you how you can apply that principle. Maybe thats why I like reading Chuck Swindoll books.


BTW, I won a prize from OMF! Yahoo!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

簡單的歌 Simple Song

Hey this is my first MTV. Enjoy:)

簡單的歌 Simple Song
Jian dan de ge

dang wo jin tian chu men shi
wo you xiang qi ni en dian
wo jiu huan huan xi xi chang qi ge
Yin ni ai yong bu bian

dang wo kuai yao bu xing shi
ni jiu kan zhe wo di lian
Dui wo shuo ni xin shi dao yong yuan
wo bu xu yao shen me mei miao xuan lv cai neng jian ni mian
wo jiu chang zhe zhe shou jina dan di ge
Yao chu dong ni xin xian
wo jiu chang zhe ni de en dian mian mian yi bian you yi bian
Xi le jiu zai wo xin li mian

As I get up on my way,
gaze Your mercy once again.
For Your love has known itself no end,
I'm filled again with praise.
I can't help but sing the blues,
know Your love will see me through.
Jesus You're always faithful and true.
I don't need a perfect melody for You to hear me sing.
A simple song is all I need for You to hear me sing.
I will sing and sing Your love, oh God,
till my last breath of praise.
Your joy fills me all of my days.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Jesus Lover of my soul

One of the first songs I learned to play on the guitar

Monday, July 23, 2007


I wonder if anybody has made a study to find out how many decisions we make a day? Sometimes its as simple (actually depends on the person) as picking out what to wear or what to eat. Some decisions are really important that it would affect the path of your life.

You might have a lot of time to think about it or maybe just have a split second to make a decision.

There are some decisions that are already made but you look back trying to second guess if that decision was the right one. Might be regretting it or not but its there already.

Oh Lord, I can't make up my mind! Should i do this or do that? Say yes or no? Deal or no deal?

I need wisdom to make the right decisions. Lord grant me wisdom.

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. 6 But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

UECMalabon Children's Choir band

Check out the UECMalabon Children's band:

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Ho phain keng-gu long bian kian hian
Siong te the chiau ko li,
Tiam Chu sit e sit-chai an-tian
Siong te the chiau ko li,

Siong te the chiau ko li,
Mi-Jit khoan kho
Mi-jit chhoa-lo
Siong te the chiau ko li,
Siong te the chiau ko li,

Ui Chu choe-kang m-bian sit chi
Siong te the chiau ko li,
Lo-to Kham-khiat gui-hiam hit si,
Siong te the chiau ko li,

Hoan u so khiam m-bian koa lu
Siong te the chiau ko li,
In ui Thin Pe kek toa pu-u
Siong te the chiau ko li,

Monday, July 16, 2007

Refiner's fire

This song is a classic. Enjoy.

Exodus 20:20

Check out this verse:

Exodus 20:20
Moses said to the people, "Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning."

Lets try to dissect it:

1.) Do not be afraid
I don't believe in the slogan "No Fear". Everybody has fear. Fear of death, heights, uncertainties of the future... God gives us an advance warning and a command.

2.)God has come to test you
God will test us. You might ask why? I don't know. He is God why should we question Him? God has every right to test us.

3.)so that the fear of God will be with you
Outcome of the test: fear of God will be with us.

4.)to keep you from sinning
If we have fear of God, it will keep us from sinning. Make us holy. Well thats the goal of the Christian isn't it? to be holy.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


This is a cool song. Definitely will sing this for Mission Month

Friday, July 13, 2007

If only I can turn back time...

There is a song the lyrics goes something like "If only I can turn back time..." the rest of the lyrics I forgot. If only we could go back time and undo a mistake. Wonder what would happen if you could just press Ctrl+Z and get back try to fix what you did wrong? Well if life a had an undo button I think i would've used it oftenly that i'd break keyboard. Back to reality can't undo them just don't press Ctrl+Y to do them again:) What if those mistakes are the reasons for shaping my life?


I've been meeting new and old friends lately.
I met a Christian guy online, who's dad is a famous TV host, sold him my router.
I met a this Christian lady online, when i was inquiring for Master's.
I saw an old classmate few days ago. Actually saw 3.
Called up an old classmate at US. BTW try using VOIPstunt its really cheap to call long distance
Saw some members of the Toastmaster club.
Met this guy, who is into paintball. Paintball is fun you should try it! I wanna try it again.
I was just talking abt this person i never had contact for sometime and well i just saw a picture of that old friend.
Yeah saw this person i met a long time ago.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Blast from the past

Found these pictures while cleaning my room. Wow some of these pictures are more than ten years already. How come everybody looks so thin? Me I'm still the same:) hehehe

I have a picture of my classmates at La Salle. People from Youth fellowship. Our 1st Leadership training. Our 1st Youth Camp. Time passes so fast. Have I changed the pass 10 years? Have I grown? What have I done with my life? Hmmm?

More YPro Pics

Friday, July 6, 2007

Pics from Ypro outing


Just when things seem to go from bad to worst, my mom reminded me:

Yup the Lord will definitely provide. There is this peace that is in you when you know that the Lord will take care of everything. :)


I like this song, the chorus goes something like this:

因你何等荣美 哦主无人能像你 beautiful to me.
因你何等荣美 哦主无人能像你 beautiful to me.
耶稣你是全然美丽 我最好的朋友
耶稣你是全然美丽 我最好的良人

Thursday, July 5, 2007

What is a gentleman?

I once a saw a movie I forgot the title but i think its something about a guy who lived with his family in a bomb shelter. Anyways somebody asked him a question: What is a gentleman? and he answered a gentleman is someone who makes sure that those around them are comfortable ...or something to that degree.
How we treat others around us. not only the ones that you like. I admit its hard to please everyone. it is simply just not being selfish. And maybe some people can fake it and if you really want to practice to become a gentleman home is a good place to start with.


Ok I'm human too. I get jealous but if I focus myself thinking abt it nothing will happen and i'll just turn to someone who is bitter.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What a week

What a week! One mistake after another. Oh well lets look at the bright side... well I'm still alive :)

Thursday, June 28, 2007


A friend shared this to me: We're moving ahead as the time goes by, what is most exciting is not the destination, but the journey itself.

Its like when you go out with your family to eat. Its not the eating part that is the most important part. Its the fellowship, the communication, the conversations when you travel together and eat together.

Enjoy the journey my friend.


I have to confess something. I've been angry with God for sometime now. Well I wanted to go down this path of road everything was moving smoothly and all the signs were ok but suddenly God stopped me from continuing on. I was frustrated, I mean I wasn't doing anything wrong. I couldn't understand Him. Then yesterday a friend asked me a question. As I was answering his questions I realized that that was the answer why God didn't want me to go down that path. God saved me from lots of trouble and dilemma. I was questioning why He even started to lead me down that path and suddenly make me stop. I guess God still was not finish teaching me a lesson. Thanks God now I realize your plan. Forgive me.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What is my life-mission?

What is my life-mission?

I think if i can answer this now then I can start making my steps. Honestly my life mission is kind of vague or maybe not that clear. I do have some clear things that i want to do. I want to serve God at church. I love praising God. I want to reach out to others about Christ. I want to be a good engineer and businessman contribute to the country. I really love the idea of how God gave man the ability to use machines and technolgy to help solve problems. I want to be good at what I do. I want to have a good family.

Well the Bible tells me that God created me for a purpose. Maybe I have a "big mission" in life. You know be some sort of a hero ( just like Hiro ;)) or maybe I'm just bound to be just a regular guy. Hey regular ain't bad, at least i dont have to buy XXXL :)

I'm thinking why would God choose me? I mean I make a lots of mistakes. And I make it over and over. I failed God lots of times. I'm not a genious. I'm an introvert. I'm not a good communicator. I'm not good in music. I have bad taste in style. I'm lazy. Quick to get discouraged. I don't like getting out of my comfort zone. well i can still keep on going on... but He still choose me.

Thank you God :)


Things to consider:
1.) Do I really need this?
Well with the advances in technology I think I need to catch up. I want to gain more knowledge so i can improve my work.

2.) When should i start?
Thinking maybe next sem or next school year. I hope that i can just finish it in a year.

3.) What course should I take?
I love engineering specially automation. I like fixing machines and finding new ways to improve them. But on a realistic point of view its going to be hard for our country's manufacturing to pick up. So not sure if investing in manufacturing is a good option. hmm

I also like to learn more about streamlining the business. Finding ways to improve the output.

I'm torn between taking an engineering course (maybe EE prob is i'm not an EE graduate) / Mecheng sounds good too or an MBA.

Bottom line is I want to learn practical stuff. I dont want to learn things that are not just in the books i want stuff that i can apply.

4.) Where should I take it?
I hate traffic. Maybe somewhere near or place.

Thinking U.P. or Lasalle. UP for its engineering course. Lasalle for its MBA maybe or its engineering. How about AIM?

- I like learning
- Meeting new friends
- I like the challenge

-I dont like the finals
-I dont like thesis

Lord I'm so confused. help me make the right decision. Help me get the right advise to make the right decision.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


haven't written for a week cuz was busy baby sitting my niece and nephew.

Wanna do some reviews:

"Heart to Heart Conversations on Love":

I would highly recommend reading the book "Heart to Heart Conversations on Love" by William B. Girao. Based on the title the topic is obviously related to love. Its more like a Q&A type of book. What I like about it is a sense of local taste. I have nothing about foreign authors but sometimes the application part is kind of hard to do because they dont understand our culture. Its just a short book. easy reading probably finish it a day or two but sometimes you have to stop and think about what the author is trying to say. I think I got it around P100.

He has lots of good points. Like you need to consider the purpose of marriage. Realize the hardships about relationships. Knowing each others goals. Gives you tips on attracting the right person. The book is written for both Christian man and women. but reading it i think Mr. Girao is talking about 70% of the time to the sisters rather than the brothers. It also made me realize that my Christian sisters really have it hard.

speaking about authors, i feel that we lack Filipino Christian books. I dont think that we lack authors. Maybe they just dont have the opportunities.

Check out this article written by one of our youth members. Its really good. click here. I wanted to use one of her sentences as a quote but i'm afraid I might use it out of context:)

Hillsongs: United We stand

I got new CD United we stand. Well i cant say that I like all the songs on it. But there are some songs there that i really like. For ex. From the inside out, Fire fall down, The stand. It was a modern tune to it. Some i think are kinda heavy metal. It comes with a DVD music video which is cool. The price is around P550 and i got a discount cuz i hv an HOP discount card.


Finished watching the film 小孩不笨2. Its good. It has comedy, drama, action. I specially like the ackward comedy scenes. It teaches good moral values. Anyways i dont want to spoil the movie. Go watch it. Its a family movie

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Worhip band Workshop

Check out these cool tips on worship band:

Strumming techniques:

Friday, June 15, 2007

Found the answer

The book i'm reading now is really speaking to me. Thanks for the lessons and the reminders.

Deut 8:2
"You shall remember all the way which the Lord your God has led you in the wilderness these forty years, that He might humble you, testing you, to know what was in you heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not."

I recently was wondering why God gave lots of problems to someone I know. To the point of him turning his back on the Lord. I guess I found the answer.


Doesn't it seem strange. I overcome something and another one pops up. Lord, help me overcome. You know my weakness. I know You will keep me upright.


Lets try to tackle a new book. how about Hosea?


Lord, guide my step. Amen

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I just finished watching the series "Heroes". It got me thinking about Destiny. Anyways I wonder where my next step in life is?

I'm thinking of studying again. My main reason is I want to improve myself. I don't care about the degree. I just want to learn something new that I can apply in my work.
But what should I take? where would i take it? Do I have the time?

You know I hate the stuff that they teach you at school but have no way of applying it in your life. I want to take something practical that I can use in my everyday life.

anyways just got reminded by somebody, "Did you pray about it?"


The other day I made Siobe cry. She did something wrong, so I told her in a straight face "不乖。我要打妳。“ . And she made this face that melted my heart and started crying. So I picked her up and hugged her. Importantly she knew what she did was wrong. after a few minutes of crying she was back to her old happy self.

Monday, June 11, 2007


You know how sometimes God is leading you somewhere. I originally planned to do something else but well the plans one by one got cancelled last minute. So I told myself ok I'm free so what should I do? I've been planning to go visit telling myself maybe next month when i'm free but since i'll be free now why dont i just do it. So I did. But a thought occured to me I might not make it on time cuz I'll be having a late nighter. So ok i told myself If I wake up on time I'll go but if I wake up late then I won't.

Well God definetly wanted to me to be there.
1.) Around 4:30am I woke up from a dream (think it had something to do with basketball). Then went back to sleep
2.) woke up around 6am cuz of power outage. Then back to sleep again.
3.) woke up around 6:30am cuz our neighbor kept on pressing his horn. Finally couldn't get back to sleep.
As I lay lying there I told myself ok God I think you want me to go. So I got up, prepared and went.

I couldn't believe it God was definitely talking to me. The sermon was on the book of Lamentations. I was doing a Bible Study on Lamentations myself and couldn't get it. I didn't know that Lamentations was an acrostic poem, where each verse is represented by an alphabet, the Herbew alphabet has only 22 letters so there are 22 verses oer chapter.

I could relate to the writer Jeremiah. He was sad and depressed as he wrote Lamentations.

Some of the things that I learned:
- God is faithful 100%
- Hope in Him
- Wait on Him
- Don't Complain
- Our happiness should not be based on our circumstances, but based on God's Faithfulness

Friday, June 8, 2007

Shortest Chapter

That was the shortest chapter in my life. I just started to write "In the beginning..." now i have to write "... the end.":(
Quick Lord turn the pages of my life. I want to start a new chapter. :)

Or maybe i should write "... to be continued" :D

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Why didn't I say this...

I'm thinking why didn't I say this or why didn't I say that. How come these things just come to me at night before i go to sleep and I can't sleep thinking about the possibilities if i said this. That really sucks. Then I was reminded at translation class, when sometimes you forgot a word and it feels really bad but when the next time that word appears again its more easier for you to recall. So in short I still need lots of experience. Stop thinking about the past and move on!

No guts, no glory...

No guts, no glory. But having guts does not always mean having glory. Maybe it takes more guts to get glory. Sigh :(

Let me get my guitar to console my soul.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I could sing of Your love forever

You know sometimes when your alone and feel that nobody loves you. Just keep on rejoicing and giving thanks to God. I picked up my guitar and started singing this chorus. Thank you Lord for reminding me that You love me.

I could sing of Your love forever
C#m A
I could sing of Your love forever
I could sing of Your love forever
C#m A
I could sing of Your love forever

Try it with these chords:

E G#m Esus F#m B C#m
e --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- --0--
B --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- --0-- --5--
G --1-- --4-- --2-- --2-- --4-- --6--
D --2-- --6-- --2-- --4-- --4-- --6--
A --2-- --6-- --2-- --4-- --2-- --4--
E --0-- --4-- --0-- --2-- --X-- --X--

Lord, I will trust in You. Give me the strength to trust in You. amen

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Family retreat pictures

Family retreat pictures Holy Week 2007


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