Sunday, June 24, 2007


haven't written for a week cuz was busy baby sitting my niece and nephew.

Wanna do some reviews:

"Heart to Heart Conversations on Love":

I would highly recommend reading the book "Heart to Heart Conversations on Love" by William B. Girao. Based on the title the topic is obviously related to love. Its more like a Q&A type of book. What I like about it is a sense of local taste. I have nothing about foreign authors but sometimes the application part is kind of hard to do because they dont understand our culture. Its just a short book. easy reading probably finish it a day or two but sometimes you have to stop and think about what the author is trying to say. I think I got it around P100.

He has lots of good points. Like you need to consider the purpose of marriage. Realize the hardships about relationships. Knowing each others goals. Gives you tips on attracting the right person. The book is written for both Christian man and women. but reading it i think Mr. Girao is talking about 70% of the time to the sisters rather than the brothers. It also made me realize that my Christian sisters really have it hard.

speaking about authors, i feel that we lack Filipino Christian books. I dont think that we lack authors. Maybe they just dont have the opportunities.

Check out this article written by one of our youth members. Its really good. click here. I wanted to use one of her sentences as a quote but i'm afraid I might use it out of context:)

Hillsongs: United We stand

I got new CD United we stand. Well i cant say that I like all the songs on it. But there are some songs there that i really like. For ex. From the inside out, Fire fall down, The stand. It was a modern tune to it. Some i think are kinda heavy metal. It comes with a DVD music video which is cool. The price is around P550 and i got a discount cuz i hv an HOP discount card.


Finished watching the film 小孩不笨2. Its good. It has comedy, drama, action. I specially like the ackward comedy scenes. It teaches good moral values. Anyways i dont want to spoil the movie. Go watch it. Its a family movie

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