Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Where is my harness?

Pic of my friend Zhef up on the wall

I had the opportunity to go rock climbing the other day. I have to be honest I have fear of heights, but not as in fear that will freak me out. When I was up there I couldn't help it but look down. When I did, my hands started sweating, felt like I couldn't grip on the rock. I really felt my arms and legs getting tired and shaking a bit. I had to psych myself out "Just think your a few feet off the ground."

You know what? It was so stupid of me, as I was watching others climb the rock I realized that when I was up there I had the harness on all the time. I mean if i slipped i wouldn't fall. What's stopping me from stepping on the next rock and going up? (Btw I did reach the top once i think the other times probably 90% of it. I did try this really hard climb but couldn't maneuver myself up this steep rock.) But back to my point, when I was up there I felt as if I was alone and if i didn't hold on the rock hard enough I would slip down. No matter what happened my harness would hold me if I slipped.

Its true in our lives when we always forget that God is our Harness. Sometimes we fall or make mistakes, He is there to hold us up. Sometimes you feel like your all alone but His harness is always with us.

Afterwards I went to a party and was talking to an old friend. As we were talking he told me about "Area of concern" and "Area of control". Area of concern are the things in my life that I am concerned about like work, money, future so on and so forth. Area of control are things that you have control like you can read the Bible, you can go to work, you can pray and so on and so forth. So what are things that I should do with the area of concern that I have control with? Well if I can do something about it. Then do it. How about the area of concern but I don't have control with? Well all you can do is pray. I mean I can't do anything about it then why am I trying to control it. Lesson learned: Leave everything to God and do the things you can do.

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