Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Starting Nahum

People Involved:
1.) God
2.) Nahum
3.) People of Nineveh - same people in Jonah

What I learned about God:
-He is jealous v.2
-avenging v.2
-slow to anger v.3
-great in power v.3
-He controls everything v.5
-You don't want to face his anger v.6
-He is good v.7
-our refuge v.7
-He cares for us v.7


Don't put everything in one basket


Lord, I am weak but you are strong.


word of the day: 奇客 (qi2ke4) meaning Geek :-B

The Chinese term, created according to the sound of the English word, literally means a "a strange guest". One doesn't have to be a computer expert or specialist to become a geek. If you are a computer aficionado with a free ad unorthodox thinking, people call you a geek.

奇客!在这里看什么?! 哈哈哈!

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